Web site updates and new Sandbox content!

There have been significant changes to the web site. Bit by bit a new, more consistent, user-friendly interface is being rolled out across the Open-ESL.org site.

The latest recipients to this face-lift are the home page itself, and the Kiosk documentation directories. The new pages are designed to be useful on the “full screen” of a desktop or notebook computer, as well as “mobile friendly” for tablets and SmartPhone devices. Testing has been done primarily with the Chrome and Firefox browsers, as well as (Icecream Sandwich and above) Android mobile devices. If you encounter a problem on your device, please send an email.

In addition “The Blind Men and the Elephant” has been added to the “Stories” section of the Sandbox. This version of that classic parable is a fun addition to the available content, and should spark some great class discussions! The audio file, combined with a “partial dictation” exercise are supplemented with some vocabulary materials that may be useful depending on the class level.

As always, comments and suggestions are welcome!

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